"Regulation and Compliance·Supporting Enterprise Growth"- Corporate Overseas Compliance Policy Seminar Successfully Held

Borsam IP
Borsam IP

On the Thursday before last, the Guanhu Sub-district Federation of Industry & Commerce (Chamber of Commerce) organized the "Regulation and Compliance·Supporting Enterprise Growth" seminar on corporate overseas compliance policies. The event was attended by 26 participants, including the Deputy Section Chief of the Intellectual Property Division of the Longhua District Market Supervision Bureau, executive committee members (directors) of the Guanhu Sub-district Federation of Industry and Commerce (Chamber of Commerce), representatives of member enterprises, and members of the secretariat.


Steven Lin, a partner and patent attorney at Borsam Intellectual Property, provided a concise introduction to domestic intellectual property applications and international patent and trademark applications. He used case studies to explain common types of patent infringement, strategies for analyzing and avoiding infringement, patent discovery and portfolio building, and responses to IP infringement complaints and lawsuits, as well as pathways to achieving compliance in overseas operations. Steven Lin offered comprehensive IP portfolio building strategies and suggestions to help member enterprises establish brand advantages and enhance their IP competitiveness in the market.



During the discussion and exchange session, participants engaged in interactive Q&A, focusing on the specific circumstances and priorities of the member enterprises. The session provided further knowledge support in areas such as protecting IP rights in overseas operations and the standardized management of overseas compliance.


This seminar provided valuable assistance to member enterprises engaged in foreign trade, overseas investment, and international operations by helping them regulate and manage overseas compliance and patent protection. It also laid a solid foundation for companies intending to expand their business abroad, supporting them in better protecting themselves in overseas markets.